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8-Count Productions is responsible for the revitalization and management of the historic Rialto Theatre as a mixed purpose, arts and event space. The theater is available to rent for events, photo and video productions, exhibits, performances and more.



Hope Donnelly is a creative consultant specializing in choreographing solutions for artists and businesses, including public art installations and innovative planning initiatives in Tampa.

With degrees in art, psychology, sports and exercise psychology, and over a decade of experience coaching and managing sports entertainment teams, she has a breadth of knowledge in strategic planning, brand management, executing events and productions, organization for businesses and individuals, performance coaching, and creative projects.



Hope has expansive knowledge and experience in the arts, performing for professional teams, creating custom paintings and choreography, and in front of and behind a camera. 8-Count Productions is the unifying brand to create art in its many forms, from canvas to film to movement and more.



8-CP is located within the historic Rialto Theatre on the Yellow Brick Row of Tampa Heights